ESG at eB Capital

At eB Capital, we believe that Brazil’s structural problems are real opportunities for us to fulfill our mission as managers of third-party capital and investors in projects that bring both impact and return.

We believe in our country and through our entrepreneurial action we want to contribute to sustainable growth. We hope to generate new jobs, increase income and improve its distribution, and to make Brazil a global player in the social, economic and environmental agendas.

Founding Partners
Eduardo Sirotsky Melzer, Luciana Antonini Riberio, Pedro Pullen Parente.

ESG Integration in the Investment Cycle

Fundraise better

Invest better

Fundraise better

Thesis adhering to Brazilian structural gaps, with significant business opportunities and impact for the country: always related to the SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals).

Development of investment thesis based on the Theory of Change and success metrics.

Adherence to the IFC exclusion list
(International Finance Corporation) – World Bank

Invest better

Advanced Due Diligence ESG, with a team of expert partners: social, environmental and governance compliance,

ESG maturity level in company strategy and management (beyond compliance)

Development of the Theory of Change for each investment with KPIs of impact that the enterprise aims to achieve

Manage better

Exit better

Manage better

Stewardship: monitoring of our investments by our senior executives.

Monitoring of the ESG strategy and performance based on the World Economic Forum’s “Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism” KPIs.

Portfolio Climate and Carbon Diagnosis + identifying and sharing good practices
between the investees.

Bimonthly ESG Committee with investees.

Annual reports: target impact, impact measurement, risk management.

Exit better

Track record / Valuation

Evaluation of exit effects to ensure positive effects, (observing fiduciary duties)

Preparation of the company’s team and processes to perpetuate the impact, in order to meet the SDGs.

Benchmark creation

Creation of the “Better World” positive externality scale.

Development of talents and abilitiesat eB “Better Company” so that investments with a strong purpose multiply and our investments can set an example for other market players “Better Sector”.


We are adept, practicing and guardians of good environmental, social and governance practices. As a result, these practices will be indispensable prerequisites for any eB investment, even for those not directly aimed at promoting social or environmental impact.

Below, we provide a series of documents detailing how ESG is integrated into our vision of generating long-term value.


The PRI (Principle for Responsible Investment) is a global initiative that promotes the incorporation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into investment practices. The PRI brings together investors from all over the world who are committed to adopting responsible and sustainable approaches in their investment decisions, aiming to generate financial returns and positive long-term impacts.

IPC (Investors for Climate) is a coalition of investors seeking to direct their financial resources towards climate and low-carbon solutions. The IPC aims to encourage the transition to a low-carbon economy through engagement with companies and advocacy actions on climate policies.

The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that unites companies and organizations around universal principles regarding human rights, work, the environment and the fight against corruption. It aims to promote sustainable and responsible business practices, encouraging actions that contribute to global sustainable development.

Sistema B is a global network of organizations that promotes a regenerative economy and sustainable development, seeking a balance between economic, social and environmental success

NZAM (Net Zero Asset Managers Alliance) is an alliance of asset managers committed to carbon neutrality, where members pledge to align their investment portfolios with net zero emissions targets. The alliance aims to drive the transition to a low-carbon economy by encouraging concrete and collaborative action by asset managers to tackle climate change.



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Documentos Eb Capital

Documentos Eb Cred Agro